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Independent Exhibitor Information

Welcome to the Tulare County Fair Junior Livestock Independent Exhibitor Program! We are very pleased that you have decided to bring an animal to the fair to exhibit, and possibly sell at the 24th DAA Tulare County Fair. Be sure to read all the enclosed information carefully and meet all the requirements and deadlines. Failure to comply with any rules or requirements/deadlines may result in disqualification of all entries and the forfeiture of all entry fees.

2024 State Rules for California Fairs

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)

Greetings from the YQCA Executive Board of Directors. We’re happy to share – yqcaprogram.org is LIVE!

YQCA has asked that we share the Help Sheet below for steps on saving and printing certificates on the current platform.

YQCA Printing Your Certification

Special Thanks To Our Sponsors
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